Holy Cross Providential Enlightenment Service (HOPES) is a registered charitable society under the Travancore Cochin Literacy and Charitable Society’s Act 1955. Society registration number is K-70/08. HOPES works as a community lab, paves the way to develop social responsibility among students of BVM Holy Cross College along with their classroom studies. HOPES opens door for a better tomorrow. HOPES take initiatives not only for the betterment of students of BVM Holy Cross College, but also for the outside community so that they get ample opportunities to build their own lives. HOPES tries to create a new culture in development. For this, it gets support from different corners. This support makes HOPES to envisage in various programmes for different sections of society.


Just and self-reliant society with highly resourceful people living in
harmony and mutual help.


To serve as a coordinating body committed to promote, support and
sustain in the socio-economic condition and developmental initiatives of the poor and the marginalized through social mobilization, empowerment and decentralization.

Faculty Coordinator

Ms. Arunthathy K P
September 29- Environment Protection Awareness Class

An environment protection awareness program was conducted for the Students of St Mary’s L. P. School as part of the child development program of HOPES to make them aware about the importance of environment. The program started at 10 am with a prayer song. The main objective of the program was to give awareness to the children about environment protection. The program was inaugurated by sr. Lincy Sebastian (Headmistress). BVM College social work trainee Mr. Abin p Siby was the resource person.

September 18- Inauguration and Study Kit Distribution

The activities of HOPES for the year 2023-2024 was inaugurated on 18 September 2023 by Dr Joseph Mailpankal,  Founder and Managing Trustee of ‘ Interdependent compassion’ trust . His valuable words were really a motivation to the  audience.As part of the inauguration ceremony Students of BVM Holy Cross College presented a flash mob. Educational  kit was distributed among the selected students by Rev. Dr. Baby Sebastian Thonikuzhy.